Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bleach Chapter 345 Information and Discussion

Bleach Chapter 345 is out.
Read it Here.

In this chapter, Rukia still have to fight with Rudobone's Arbola. She having a hard time to beat this guy, She see Ulquiorra has broken through The Dome. Rudobone's Arbole tell that there is two important thing on The Dome of Menos Noches. Which is beyond and above the Dome. If anyone located above Cuatro he will able to unleash a great power. Ulquiorra then use Bind on Ichigo, he uses Murus Hierago to flying and try to stab Ichigo, but luckily Ichigo used Getsuga Reflexively on time, If not he would be dead in no time.

Their fight will continue in Bleach Chapter 346, will Ichigo manage to beat Ulquiorra, Ichigo has already use all of his power and Ulquiorra still far above him. But I think there will be an event to save him, but dunno, something or someone probably save him. Absolutely. Anyone has spoiler or prediction for Bleach Chapter 346? Please leave a comment.

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